On July 1, 2019, new rules came into effect through Rowan’s Law, to improve concussion safety in amateur competitive sport.
If you are an athlete under 26 years of age*, parent of an athlete under 18, coach, team trainer or official and your sport organization has advised that you need to follow the rules of Rowan’s Law you need to:
review any one of Ontario's official Concussion Awareness Resources before registering or serving with your sport organization; and
review your sport organization’s Concussion Code of Conduct that they will provide to you; and
confirm that you have reviewed both of these resources every year with your sport organization(s)
* Exception: A sport organization that is a University, College of Applies Arts and Technology or other Post-Secondary Institution will be advising athletes of any age that they need to follow the rules of Rowan’s Law.
Concussion Awareness Resources for you to review
Concussion Awareness Resources will be available in the following three formats:
Under Rowan’s Law, if your sport organization has requested it, you are required to review one format each year. All three formats contain similar information. Choose the format that suits your learning style. Currently, only the e-booklet is available for your review.
You can download and print a copy of the e-booklet in Other Languages for your reference.
Canadsa Soccer has released a new Consussion Policy which has been adopted by the Board of Director of Ontario Soccer (March 1st, 2019). The policy is available for review by CLICKING HERE
Concussion Awareness Resources
Learn about the Concussion Awareness Resources that amateur athletes, parents, coaches, team trainers and officials are required to review.
Link to Rowan's Law & Resources
Removal and Return to Sport
Suspected Concussion Report Form
Soccer Canada Concussion Assessment Medical Report
Recognize symptoms of a concussion
Everyone can help recognize a possible concussion if they know what to look for.
A person with a concussion might have any of the signs or symptoms listed below. They might show up right away or hours, or even days later. Just one sign or symptom is enough to suspect a concussion. Most people with a concussion do not lose consciousness.
“Red flags” may mean the person has a more serious injury. Treat red flags as an emergency and call 911.
Red flags include:
Neck pain or tenderness
Double vision
Weakness or tingling in arms or legs
Severe or increasing headache
Seizure or convulsion
Loss of consciousness (knocked out)
Vomiting more than once
Increasingly restless, agitated or aggressive
Getting more and more confused